MX Lookup using command-line
While trying to configure mail servers, you might want to verify if your MX records are properly setup. This article will show you how...
Github offers unlimited private repositories for free
It's 2019, and a good news for all developers around the world, Github offers unlimited private repositories for free. This is not April's Fool,...
2018 Recap and Happy New Year 2019
At the moment when 2018 is going to pass, it's leaving like the way it was coming at the same moment last year, I...
Remove TinyMCE warning notification on Cloud API Key
When you try to implement TinyMCE script into your web projects, you will a very annoying warning notification on recent latest version. Let me...
Require PHP packages without destroying whole dependencies
Composer is the main PHP package manager that powers modern PHP development these days, but do you know how to leverage Composer in awkward...