Some basic config for RabbitMQ after installation

RabbitMQ Server

After installing RabbitMQ, you might need to do some config for server before using.

First is to enable management interface to RabbitMQ.

$ sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

We can access the management page by accessing browser with provided authentication credential is guest  as username and guest for password.

If you have firewall enable, you should allow it.

$ sudo ufw allow 15672

If you try to access from other machine, it won’t connect even if you try to access via its LAN IP address, because the guest account is not allowed to be logged in externally. Therefore, we need to create a new account for this.

It can be done via following commands:

$ sudo rabbitmqctl add_user admin password

$ sudo rabbitmqctl set_user_tags admin administrator

$ sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / admin ".*" ".*" ".*"

The first command will create a new account with admin as username and password for password.

The second command will assign user admin with administrator tag, this is for management access.

The last command will set permission for user admin to have full accesses on / virtual host.

RabbitMQ is ready to be utilized.