Setup ELK Stack for Development

Setup ELK Stack for Development
Setup ELK Stack for Development

Having trouble with setting up Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana for local development? No problem, I will show you how to setup ELK Stack for Development the quick and easy way.

Before we start, you need to make sure to have Docker installed on your computer. As you know, Docker has become a breakthrough for local development. Instead of manually managing a lot of installations and configurations, you can use Docker to do all of them in one shot without polluting your computer. So, take your time to download and install Docker if you do not have it.

For the first step, navigate to a directory in your computer, and clone this repository

The next step, is to execute Docker Compose from the code you clone previously, and the ELK Stack should be up and running.

$ docker-compose up

That’s done! You can access Kibana from browser at the address: http://localhost:5601

If you’re using Mac and having problem with port 5000 is already in use, please read my previous guide to fix issue Logstash fail to run on port 5000 on MacOS.

By default, the credentials to access to Elasticsearch, Kibana and Logstash is:

username: elastic
password: changeme

Alright, with Docker, whether you’re running on Windows, Mac or Linux, it is a no-brainer to setup ELK Stack for development, no hard effort at all.