
Execute Ansible tasks asynchronously

By default, Ansible tasks are run in blocking mode, that is, each task has to wait for previous task to complete before it can...
Linux Operating System

Execute Linux commands in background and detach from terminal session

How many ways do you know to execute a Linux commands in background and detach from terminal session? Below are several ways to achieve...
Laravel Framework

Change user password from tinker in Laravel using artisan command

Through artisan, developers can control almost everything running inside Laravel framework, and it can be a handy tool for updating user password quick and...
Android Oreo

Google officially revealed Android O is Oreo

Finally, after several months introduced Android O, Google announced the next version is Android Oreo, and the new Android statue is built on Google...
PHP Programming Language

Get previous and next date for a specific date in PHP

This is a simple tip to get previous and next date for a specific date in PHP language. In case you want to get dates...