Serve static files in Gin web application

Serve static files in Gin web application

To continue with Gin-Gonic web application development, let's talk about how to serve static files in Gin web application. Create a Gin project First thing to...
Copy slices in Go

Copy slices in Go

You wonder how to clone slices in Go, I will show you how to use a builtin function to copy slices in Go. The builtin...
Add basic authentication to Gin web application

Add basic authentication to Gin web application

Like any other web framework, Gin-gonic also provides a convenient way to add basic authentication. Today, I will show you how to add basic...
Get started with Gin framework

Get started with Gin framework

Gin or Gin-gonic is one of the most popular and most feature rich web framework in Go (Golang). Let's get started with Gin framework...
Compress and expand IPv6 in PHP

Compress and expand IPv6 in PHP

In this post, I will share with you a script I use to compress and expand IPv6 in PHP. To compress IPv6 address: function ipv6_compress($addr) { ...