Fix issue JetBrains Toolbox Shell script not generated

Fix issue JetBrains Toolbox Shell script not generated
Fix issue JetBrains Toolbox Shell script not generated

Being able to launch JetBrains IDE from command line is very helpful for development, but you might see a problem where JetBrains tools is not found. I will show you how to fix issue JetBrains Toolbox shell script not generated in this post.

After installing various IDEs from JetBrains Toolbox, you will visit the Settings screen to setup launcher script for command-line interface like this:

JetBrains Toolbox Settings
JetBrains Toolbox Settings

then you want to launch your installed IDE, ex. PHPStorm, WebStorm... from the console,  but the error occurs.

$ phpstorm
zsh: command not found: phpstorm

$ webstorm
zsh: command not found: webstorm

The reason for this problem is that JetBrains toolbox doesn’t have the permission to write into the directory specified for “Shell scripts location“.

The solution to fix is very simple, we need to add a directory where JetBrains toolbox can have write permission, and probably, the best is to create a tool directory under your user home and append it to the PATH environment variable.

For that, I’d do like this:

$ cd ~

$ mkdir -p jetbrains

$ export PATH="~/jetbrains:$PATH"

I will put the export line into the shell resource, ex .bashrc, zshrc

Then add that directory location to JetBrains Toolbox Settings, and re-launch the toolbox.

And it’s done!