Disable Two-Factor Authentication in Magento 2.4+ (2FA)

Disable Two-Factor Authentication in Magento 2.4+ (2FA)
Disable Two-Factor Authentication in Magento 2.4+ (2FA)

When you upgrade or install Magento 2.4+, two-factor authentication mode is automatically enabled by default, which might cause trouble to you. In this post, I will show you how to disable two-factor authentication in Magento 2.4 and above.

To disable two-factor authentication in Magento 2.4 and above, you need to have command-line access into the Magento project to issue following command:

$ bin/magento module:disable Magento_TwoFactorAuth 

$ bin/magento cache:flush

FYI, the two-factor authentication (2FA) is provided through Magento_TwoFactorAuth extension, which is available since Magento 2.4; therefore, by disabling this extension, we can remove 2FA from the store.

Good luck!