Install Magento Sample Data

Install Magento Sample Data
Install Magento Sample Data

In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Magento sample data into Magento store latest version using composer.

Install Magento Sample Data

In order to follow this tutorial, please make sure you know how to setup Magento using composer with authentication.

One thing to be aware that, the process of installing Magento sample data is not reversible, it can’t be undone, which means, once the sample data is installed, there is no way to remove them out of Magento store.

To install Magento sample data, first access into the Magent project directory, and then issue following command to get sample data package:

$ php bin/magento sampledata:deploy

When it’s done, we need to config all sample modules to Magento. Issue following command:

$ php bin/magento setup:upgrade

It might take a quite long time to complete, so do something else or grab a cup of coffee while waiting for it.

After the command is done, open web browser to see all sample data set up into the Magento store.

Take a look at following pages for more information: