Top 5 resources to learn Javascript for free online

Top 5 resources to learn Javascript for free online - Pete Houston (

After spending your time to begin learning web development basics with HTML and CSS, it is time to move on to the next step, which is to learn Javascript, often noted as JS. At this time, there are many options for you to choose, to learn offline at a programming academy, or join learning in a Javascript bootcamp; or you can choose to learn online either via paid courses or free courses. When you are new to this, you might get confused, and don’t really know which option is best for you. In facts, most people will choose to learn Javascript online.

My recommendation for you is to learn Javascript online for free, and that’s the most affordable plan for any Javascript beginners. So, in this article, I will list up the best 5 places to learn Javascript for free online.

The top 5 resources to learn javascript


Top 5 resources to learn Javascript for free online - Pete Houston (

This platform is completely good for any Javascript beginners, it provides various tracks for you to get started with learning the language from the very start. The course is really practical and Javascript beginners can feel the taste of Javascript, very easy to understand and take into practice.

It takes about 10 hour-length to complete the course; however, I recommend Javascript beginners to spend more time to reviews and re-practice with the exercises more.


Top 5 resources to learn Javascript for free online - Pete Houston (

This is a free course provided by Javascript Experts at Microsoft, and really good for anyone who wants to learn Javascript language along with the development tools in the right way from start.

Mozilla Developer Network

Top 5 resources to learn Javascript for free online - Pete Houston (

MDN is one of the largest database of everything about web and Javascript language.

It does provide a variety of guides and tutorials from beginner level to expert level, so that any Javascript developers can start their own learning path or research more about the web. If you’re planning to become a serious Javascript developer, you should study from MDN.

Eloquent Javascript

Top 5 resources to learn Javascript for free online - Pete Houston (

This is a comprehensive Javascript book that you can read and learn online. The author frequently updates the book to match with the latest development of Javascript, currently known as ES6, ES7 … So beginners can quickly grasp the modern concepts of Javascript today, including NodeJS platform.

Udacity – Intro to Javascript

Top 5 resources to learn Javascript for free online - Pete Houston (

This is a video lecture course, available online at Udacity learning platform, and it’s totally free and taught by professional Javascript developers. Besides, you can explore further more for free Javascript courses after finishing the basic one.

Furthermore…just in case that you want to learn Javascript quickly in a simple way, you can spend 1-2 hours on Javascript for Cats.

The web is going fast, and Javascript is going faster, so if you want to jump into the web development, start learning Javascript today. In case you are still having wonder about Javascript, this article will give you 5 reasons why you should start learning Javascript today.