List all connected media devices in MacOS

List all connected media devices in MacOS

I will show you a tip to list all connected media devices in MacOS from terminal. We will use ffmpeg for the job. If you...
List all connected media devices in Linux

List all connected media devices in Linux

A quick tip to list all connected media devices in Linux. We will install and use v4l2 utility for the job. Depending on Linux distros,...
Make HTTP Post request in Deno

Make HTTP Post request in Deno

In this post, I will show you how to make HTTP Post request in Deno. Similar to Javascript, Deno uses fetch() function to make HTTP...
Add custom Prometheus counter metric into Gin Gonic application

Add custom Prometheus counter metric into Gin Gonic application

As counter is one of the most basic metric in monitoring, we can add custom Prometheus counter metric into Gin Gonic application. Let's start with...
Monitor Gin Gonic application with Prometheus metrics

Monitor Gin Gonic application with Prometheus metrics

In this article, I will show you how to integrate and monitor Gin Gonic application with Prometheus metrics. First, let's start by creating a new...