Fix abnormally slow in Mac OS X Finder

Fix abnormally slow in Mac OS X Finder

There is one problem when using Finder is that, it behaves pretty slow when opening, listing and traversing directories. The problem happens because for some...
Enable VLC telnet interface for remote control

Enable VLC telnet interface for remote control

One of cool features VLC provides is the ability to remote control, specifically, via telnet. You might wonder what is the use of telnet...
Find out what is listening on a given port

Find out what is listening on a given port

To find out what application is listening on a given port on Linux, issue following command: $ netstat -pntl | grep $PORT with Mac OS X,...
Introduction to 3DS MAX

Introduction to 3DS MAX

To easily work with 3Ds max , control everything inside any 3D scene . Creating 3D models in minimum time possible . This course...
Enforce Java version on Maven

Enforce Java version on Maven

In a Maven project for managing Java application, to enforce usage of a specific Java version, you will need to add configuration option to...