
Start Hazelcast standalone server

Hazelcast can be started as a standalone server, not just being embeded into Java applications. This can be done via execute the start up script...
Best Practices in Application Architecture

Layer Bloat in Application Architecture

N-layer architecture looks good, but keep adding layers is some kinda of ... eh ?!! Source: http://lists.suckless.org/wiki/1508/1899.html
Uploading images to PHP Server via AJAX - Udemy Course 100% Off

Uploading images to PHP Server via AJAX – Udemy Coupon 100% Off

Explore how you can use AJAX and HTML forms to upload images to PHP servers If it's not too much trouble take note of this...
Introduction to Bash - a Linux Command Line Tutorial - Udemy Coupon 100% Off

Introduction to Bash – a Linux Command Line Tutorial – Udemy Coupon 100% Off

This Introduction to Bash course covers the fundamentals of the Linux command line through the use of Bash. Through this Linux Command Line course, you...
Config Java multi-module project in Maven

Config Java multi-module project in Maven

When you have many sub-projects, or so-called modules, related to a project and you want to organize them efficiently in a single project, you...