Database Modeling and Design Beginners Tutorial – Udemy Course 100% Off
Learn Data Modeling and Database Design by illustration, while making an online business site's database demonstrate.
This Database Modeling and Design Beginners course will acquaint...
Git recovering deleted files or directories in the past commits
For some reasons, you might want to recover some deleted files or directories in the past commits, then this is how to do it.
Guns of Boom with AR Spectator Mode
Guns of Boom development team is experimenting with the spectator mode in AR (Augmented Reality), it looks pretty cool, and that might be the...
Google Allo for the Web
Google Allo is an instant messenger app by Google for Android and iOS, which uses phone numbers as identifiers and allow users to exchange...
The Next Coming Generation Core Code Name Revealed by Intel
Intel recently revealed its next general core technology along with their codename list. It's pretty rare for Intel to announce generation ahead of the...