Config for Laravel PHP on nginx server
If you've ever wondering how to config Laravel PHP web on nginx server, this post will show you how to do it.
Let say your...
Install PHP 7.1 on Ubuntu Linux
PHP 7.1 has proved to be the latest stable version for development at the time of this post. If you want to install PHP...
Some basic config for RabbitMQ after installation
After installing RabbitMQ, you might need to do some config for server before using.
First is to enable management interface to RabbitMQ.
$ sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable...
Serve multiple websites in local development with nginx
To enable serving multiple websites in local development with nginx, you will need to config to assign each website with a specific port.
Assuming, we...
Config static IP address for local web development in nginx
Often, nginx is used to serve websites for public via domain names, which is configurable via server_name option in config file. What if you want...