Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch - Udemy Free Course

Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch – Udemy Free Course

This Ruby on Rails from Scratch course teaches you the amazing and powerful technology of Ruby on Rails. This technology forms the backend of...

Strange valid Java piece of code – No. 1

Have you seen any strange but valid Java code? Yes? No? This is one piece I've seen. static int getVal() { http://google.com ...
MySQL Database

Query Database and Table Size in MySQL

A nice thing about MySQL is that it stores everything inside information_schema, and we can make use of it to calculate database size and...

Remote command execution via SSH using NodeJS

In this post, I'd like to share a small tip to develop a small utility to remote command execution via SSH using NodeJS. I often...
MySQL Database

Kill process in MySQL processlist

When you want to diagnose MySQL database, you might want to have a look at all current connection or processes show up on process...