Colorful console log on browser
This is a pretty nice trick to print out colorful text on browser console.
To achieve this, use the following piece of code, taken from...
Use cronjob to execute task only once
As you know, cronjob is used often to schedule repetitive tasks on systems; however, you can make use of its time configuration to execute...
Draw Chess Board using CSS Grid
CSS grid is pretty great to build layout for the web and is supported in almost any browser at the present. We can take...
Complete Google Go Programming Course For Beginners – Udemy coupon 100% Off
The Benefits You Will Gain From This Course Are Endless!
Our goal for you in this course is: For you to become a beginner Ninja...
Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch – Udemy Free Course
This Ruby on Rails from Scratch course teaches you the amazing and powerful technology of Ruby on Rails. This technology forms the backend of...