Top 5 resources to learn Javascript for free online
After spending your time to begin learning web development basics with HTML and CSS, it is time to move on to the next step,...
Capture website screenshot with Chrome Developer Tools
Sometimes, you might want to capture screenshot for a website but don't have any capture tool, here Chrome comes to the rescue.
To capture a...
Beautiful gradients code for the web with WebGradients
In case you need some cool and beautiful background for the web but don't need some complicated graphics on it, gradient background might be...
How to cherry-pick commits on GitHub Pull Request
When your repositories have PR with a lot of commits, you might want to select and apply only several commits out of them, git-cherry-pick...
Automate everything with Katalon Studio – Udemy Free Course
In the course Automate everything with Katalon Studio we will learn everything from
Understand what Katalon studio is
Automate Android application
Automate iOS application
Automate Web...