Import CSV file into MySQL

Import CSV file into MySQL

Since I'm working on a lot of CSV files, I write this article to share with you how to import CSV file into MySQL...
Get n-th line from a file

Get n-th line from a file

In this article, I will show you some tips to get n-th line from a file using command line. Get n-th line from a file Rather...
Check if key exists in Python dictionary

Check if key exists in Python dictionary

This is supposed to be an easy task but in reality it looks like lots of Python developers have trouble with it; especially, who...
Remove directories from Git tracking

Remove directories from Git tracking

While developing, you somehow made a mistake that added wrong directories into Git, and you want to remove directories from Git tracking without deleting...
Use Fetch API for web apps

Use Fetch API for web apps

Fetch API has become the standard for web API requests for a while now and it is supported in almost any modern browsers nowadays....