Complete Apache Hadoop Troubleshooting
Since it is pretty hard to find answers when facing with Apache Hadoop problems, I write this article to be a complete Apache Hadoop...
Complete Guide to Install and Configure Apache Hadoop 3 on MacOS
This is the complete guide to install and configure Apache Hadoop 3 on MacOS. I wil show you how to do in the most...
Fix Unauthorized Error on Alexa Test Simulator
If you are facing the unauthorized error on Alexa Test Simulator when testing your Alexa Skills during development, this is how to fix it.
Marketing explanation to your friends
If you need to explain somebody about marketing, try following short definitions.
You see a gorgeous girl in a party, you go to her...
Install different Java versions on MacOS Mojave 10.14+
There are a lot of updates on Java versions recently, and it is hard to keep track of them. In this post, I will...