Execute Kubernetes Pod Shell Command as Root user

Execute Kubernetes Pod Shell Command as Root user

Usually for security reasons, you will run container image as a regular user, non-superuser. However, sometimes, you want to test or debug something on...
Generate all binary code string with length K

Generate all binary code strings with length K

Today's practice algorithm question is to generate all binary code string with K. Let's begin! Problem Given an integer K, return a list of all possible...
Execute an utility Kubernetes pod to debug

Execute an utility Kubernetes pod to debug

In this post, I will show you a little trick to execute an utility Kubernetes pod to debug issues in namespace. This trick will...
Persist project data between jobs in CircleCI

Persist project data between jobs in CircleCI

By default, CircleCI does not keep anything from a job and starts from scratch when moving to next job. That makes it pretty difficult...
Install Magento Modules

Install Magento Modules

In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Magento Modules from command line, which can be like zip file, tarball file...etc. This can be applied to any Magento module without specific instruction from module vendor.