Queue Reconstruction by Height

Queue Reconstruction by Height

Today's practice problem is queue reconstruction by height. Let's work it out. Problem Suppose you have a random list of people standing in a queue. Each...
Reverse String In-Place

Reverse String In-Place

Today’s practice algorithm question is to reverse string in-place. Another good practice for your problem-solving mindset. Problem Write a function that reverses a string. The input...
Load model using custom field in Magento 2

Load model using custom field in Magento 2

Beside loading model using primary ID field, we can also load model using custom field in Magento 2. I will show you how to...
Invert binary tree

Invert binary tree

Today’s practice algorithm question is to invert a binary tree. This is a very good problem to start learning with tree data structure; specifically,...
Update root password in MariaDB 10.4 on MacOS

Update root password in MariaDB 10.4 on MacOS

There is some changes in authentication procedures in MariaDB 10.4, hence, you can not use previous techniques to change root password. I will show...